Vegan-Certified Coir Products For All

At, our horticultural products are vegan-certified. Our certification, from The Vegan Society, means that our products and process are completely free from animal ingredients and testing. Our products are made with a single, natural ingredient – the fibrous material extracted from the husk of the coconut. This means it is also free of other […]

Peat-free growbags for easy and versatile growing

Our versatile coir growbags are perfect for growing a variety of plants and crops. And if you are in a rush to sow those tomatoes this month, our coir growbags are just what you are looking for! Why use coir growbags?  Our growbags contain coir, which is a natural, biodegradable, and peat-free resource. Coir has […]

Peat-free coir potting mix for all

What is one thing you wished you’ve grown last year that you want to grow this year?  Spring is an ideal time to get a start on your sowing and growing. With plenty to do in the garden, this month is also Peat Free April, which is all about encouraging growers and gardeners to move […]

10 reasons to love CoirProducts coir pots and coir hanging baskets

What do you love about our CoirProducts coir pots and coir hanging baskets?  Natural and biodegradable, our coir pots and coir hanging baskets can be used to grow a variety of plants and crops. Not only do they add a touch of charm to any space, they are also environmentally-friendly and are known for their […]

It is very stable and soaks up water when it rains

Having recently shared with us their gardening journey as our Featured Growers, Katrina and Clayton (@buildingafoodforest_scotland) also shared with us their experiences of using coir erosion sheet blankets.  Katrina and Clayton used the coir erosion sheet blankets on their muddy sloped pathway. There was no prep work needed, as Katrina says, “already had been sheet mulched for […]

Protecting our peatlands

Peatlands not only make for dramatic landscapes, but they are also vital for our survival. They store carbon and are important for the earth’s ecosystems. Yet, peatlands around the world are under increasing threat.  This month is Peat Free April, a campaign that encourages people to make that all important switch to peat-free compost. In […]

Keep things simple Featured Grower this week is Dawn Warden(@dawns_gardening). Dawn spoke to us about how she started growing, what she loves to grow, and what she enjoys the most about gardening. Dawn also shared with us some of the environmentally-friendly methods she adopts when gardening as well as her experiences of using CoirProducts. Gardening has helped Dawn […]

Sowing in spring with

What are you looking forward to sowing this spring?  With the days getting longer and warmer, there is plenty to sow and grow this spring. With a huge variety of seeds to choose from, some seeds can be directly sown onto the ground while the others are best sown indoors to be planted out later […]

Peat-free coir growbags

Gardening in a limited space can be exciting but also daunting. Therefore, selecting growing products that help you save space, while also being safe for plants, is important. Our coir growbags are perfect for getting your plants started indoors. They are also ideal for using outdoors or in a greenhouse, and are popularly used […]

How to use growpoles or moss poles

Climbing or trailing plants are a great way to make the most of any space. Using a natural plant support, such as growpoles or moss poles, is an ideal way to support the healthy growth of these vertical growing plants. Coming in a distinct range of sizes, from 50cm to 180cm, our growpoles […]