Summer Gardening

When we think of summer, we imagine long sunny days, barbecues and holidays, shorts and summer dresses. We picture picnics on the beach and parks filled with groups of families and friends soaking up the sun. But, in the UK we imagine all of this whilst keeping our fingers and toes crossed that the sun […]
People, products, purpose: here’s what innovation means to us at CoirProducts

At CoirProducts, glossy marketing adverts have never mattered to us, but what does matter, quite simply, is serving this community with value and purpose. In an industry driven by profit and competition, ‘innovation’ takes on a whole new meaning for us. In today’s post, we talk about what shapes our culture of innovation. But before […]
Celebrating World Environment Day with CoirProducts

Did you know that, globally the equivalent of one football pitch of soil is eroded every 5 seconds? Yet, it takes 1,000 years to generate 3 centimetres of topsoil. These statistics from UNEP are quite alarming! And with some countries facing increased impacts of water stress and land degradation, this year’s World Environment Day reminds […]
There is nothing more beautiful than nature

The benefits of gardening on one’s overall health and wellbeing are well-known. From stimulating our senses to helping us be more confident and stay physically active, spending even a little bit of time outdoors can do wonders for our health and wellbeing. Nature has a calming effect on our minds, while gardening can also help […]
Thrive: Transforming lives through social and therapeutic horticulture

Mental Health Awareness Week takes place from 13 to 19th May 2024. Since our inception at CoirProducts, we continue to raise awareness of the positive effects of gardening for one’s overall health and wellbeing. Towards this end, we support charities like Thrive that work in the areas of gardening for mental health, as well as […]
Nutrient-rich Coir Plus from CoirProducts to help your garden thrive

CoirProducts’ newly introduced all-purpose coir potting mix, Coir Plus, not only brings you thesustainable goodness of coir, but also comes enriched with NPK (Nitrogen, Phosphorus, andPotassium). In our blog post today, we get up close and personal with Coir Plus, and explore itsmyriad of benefits for gardening enthusiasts. Read on to learn more: Enhanced nutrient availability: […]
Growing your own: How can CoirProducts help you reduce food waste in your garden?

In a world grappling with food insecurity and environmental degradation, sustainable gardening practices continue to play an important role. With an array of eco-friendly gardening options, in today’s blog post, we explore how incorporating CoirProducts into your gardening routine can help you take one small step towards building a sustainable future while minimising food waste. […]
Making the most of spring gardening with CoirProducts

There’s a saying, ‘April showers bring May flowers’. Flowers and plants are beginning to blossom, and we can’t wait to embrace all the colours and wonder that this spring brings! Spring is a busy time for most growers, and we at CoirProducts are always at hand to help you with your sustainable gardening needs. We […]
CoirProducts launches new 50L coir bag range, including a first-of-its-kind coir compost

UK’s leading coir portfolio, CoirProducts, a grower’s choice (of Salike), today announced the launch of its new carbon-neutral coir 50L bag range. Among the newly launched range is Coir Nutri(™), a revolutionary, 100% peat-free growth substrate crafted with de-composted coir and enriched with NPK. With innovation at the heart of its work, this specially formulated […]
CoirProducts marks another first with groundbreaking 80L Coir Potting Mix

CoirProducts of Salike®, a grower’s choice, UK’s largest coir portfolio, continues to bring innovative product varieties to gardeners and growers across the country. Marking a groundbreaking first, the company announced that its signature 5kg Coir Potting Mix block now provides over 80L of fluffy coir. Coir Potting Mix, also known as coir compost, coir pith, […]