Coir products for growers, greenhouses, nurseries, gardeners, and wholesalers

Share This Post supplies a range of biodegradable coir products that are perfect for growers, greenhouses, nurseries, gardeners and wholesalers alike. All our products are environmentally sustainable and the fact that they are made of a natural fibre like coir also entails enormous benefits for the end user.

If you are a grower and are looking for the right quality products for your business, you can make use of our range of biodegradable coir products;

Coir pots – made of all natural coir fibres, these pots are the ideal green substitute for your conventional pots. They reduce transplant shock and can even completely eliminate it and are 100% biodegradable.

Coco peat – with the ideal porosity for water and air both, coco peat is a rich ferlitiser for your potting mixtures. You would only require a little bit in each pot, meaning that you could even save up on your potting mixture.

Coco chips – made by slicing the coconut husk, these are ideal for fertilising any type of soil under any weather condition. It is an unfailing soil conditioning supplement that you can have.

Growbags – it doesn’t matter how much space you have; with our versatile growbags or nursery bags, you can bring the outdoors inside or use the available space you have to their best potential. They are easy to use too and you can actually fit in a large number of plants, for example in a nursery or greenhouse, within a small space. Ideal for hydroponic growing conditions.

Coir tablets – our compressed coir pellets are made of coir packed together tightly into pellets. They are 100% biodegradable and are ideal for sowing seeds or as a rooting medium for cuttings. Once water is added they swell up in size rapidly allowing for more grow area.

Coir poles – these are used for growing creepers, and especially ones that need a lot of moisture. It can hold the water for a long time once watered.

Mulch mats (Weed control mats) – mulch mats block sunlight, and therefore stop unsightly weeds from growing and destroying your landscaping/crop. It is ideal for areas like patios and sidewalks where you would like to have relatively permanent landscaping fixtures. 

Coir peat disk– in addition to being the ideal potting mixture addition like coco peat, these disks are also ideal for seeding and hydroponic growing, making theme extra versatile.

Why should you use our products? products are ethically manufactured in a cottage industry or by a SME under our brand – CoirProducts.Co.Uk. In addition to this, our coir products are extremely durable and upon decomposing, they simply nourish the soil that is underneath and does not negatively impact it. They are affordable and easy to use and can help you with a higher yield with your growing.

They can also hold up water for a long time in the right quantities which makes it easy for you to look after your plants. They also help in retaining air thanks to their air porosity. Coir products can help increase vegetation and soil fertility.  

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