Spring is in the air! With long sunny days ahead of us, there is plenty to do in the garden in April. While some of your indoor-sown seeds might be well into growth, this is also the time to start sowing some of the seeds outdoors. Just watch out for those inevitable April showers and last bits of frost!

Carrots, beetroots, peas, summer cauliflower, cabbage, parsnip, and lettuce are some of the vegetables that you can sow and plant directly outside. You can also plant out onion and shallot sets you might have started off already or garlic plants. Onion sets and garlic cloves can be planted directly into the soil now. The first half of the month is also ideal to plant second early potatoes, while maincrop potatoes can be planted later in the month. You can also transplant broad beans grown in pots.
Tomato seeds can be sown indoors, ready to be planted out in the following month. Aubergine seeds can also be sown under cover for now for growing in the greenhouse or transplanting outdoors later. Celery, basil seeds, marrow, pumpkin, squash, and courgettes, can also be sown under cover, while perennial herbs such as rosemary, sage, and thyme can also be planted indoors.

Remember to keep unwanted plants or weeds under control, feed hungry shrubs and roses, and prune fig trees. Check if you need to increase the water given to houseplants. Potted fruit trees, like currants, fig, and citrus, can also be planted. Select a few vibrant flowers to add a touch of colour to your garden this Spring.
With plenty to do, this month is also #PeatFreeApril, where organisations, companies, gardeners, activists, and other individuals are continuing to campaign for the end of the sale of peat-based compost. Peatlands are important for the world’s climate as they store carbon dioxide, and important sources of food, water, and biodiversity. Yet, peatlands have been damaged by drainage, over-grazing, and burning, with millions of cubic metres of peat dug out every year in the UK.

The products we supply at CoirProducts.co.uk, are free of peat moss. A waste product of the coconut industry, coir products are natural and biodegradable. With a wide variety of products to choose from, our products are suitable for both seasoned growers as well as those just starting out. We also have over 30 specially curated discounted bundles. CoirProducts coircoins are ideal for sowing and have high germination rates, while CoirProducts coir peat bricks and coir discs are a versatile growing medium. CoirProducts coir pots come in a range of innovative sizes, suitable for growing both smaller and larger plants. As roots permeate through the pots, there is no transplanting shock when repotting plants grown in our coir pots. In addition, our special growbag packs for tomato growers as well as for hydroponic growing are ideal for use whether indoors or outdoors.
Coir has high water holding capacity, air porosity, and excellent drainage, all of which are beneficial for the development of strong and healthy root systems. All our products are ethically produced and sourced. As we are directly involved in the manufacturing process, we know exactly where our products come from, and how the raw material is sourced. We ensure that ethical business practices are followed throughout, bringing to you a product that not only meets the highest industry standards, but has been manufactured with care and concern for the people and the planet.