Autumn is just around the corner, and there’s plenty to do in September to get your gardens ready for the seasons ahead. Read on for some of the tasks you can do in your gardens in September!
Continue harvesting those fruits and vegetables, like apples, pears, Autumn raspberries, melons, cranberries, tomatoes, salad crops, French and runner beans, courgettes, cucumbers, and peppers, among others.
Sowing and growing

You can sow vegetables for overwintering, such as turnips, spinach, winter lettuce, and oriental vegetables. They will mature by next spring. If you are looking for eco-friendly growing media, CoirProducts coir potting mix come in a variety of blocks, bricks, and discs, while CoirProducts coircoins are ideal for getting started on sowing seeds.
You can also sow herbs, like chives and parsley, in CoirProducts coir pots, and place them on a windowsill with adequate sunlight to use during winter. CoirProducts Grow Herbs with Coir special pack includes our natural and peat-free coir pots and coircoins, and ideal for getting started on those herbs indoors. Coir is a natural, biodegradable, peat-free, and organic resource, so coir-based products are ideal for the eco-conscious grower.
Saving and storing seeds
Save and store your own seeds so that you can use them the next growing season or even gift them to your family and friends. Remember to plan ahead as you need to collect seeds before they are dispersed. When collecting seeds, select plants that are healthy and growing well. Check out our blog post for some useful tips on saving and storing seeds.
Cleaning your greenhouse
Cleaning your greenhouse just before autumn helps with winter cultivation. Clean those glass panels to improve light conditions as winter approaches. Remove those dead plant material and other debris, to help remove pests and diseases that could hinder your winter cultivation.
Planting spring bulbs

September is a great time to get started on planting those spring-flowering bulbs, giving your garden a wonderful burst of colour when spring arrives. Daffodils, crocus, and hyacinths as well as hardy summer-flowering bulbs like lilies and alliums can be planted towards the end of September. Plant them in well-drained soil. A key advantage of using CoirProducts range of coir potting mix and coir pots is that they retain water and moisture well, as well as having excellent drainage, which is especially useful for plants to grow strong and healthy root systems.
What do you love doing in your garden in September? At CoirProducts, we have the largest portfolio of coir-based products in the UK. Whether you are a seasoned growers or someone just starting out gardening, we’ve also got a unique range of coir bundles at specially discounted prices. CoirProducts Grow with Coir Starter Pack gives over 20L of coir (when hydrated), while our Let’s Sow with CoirProducts special pack contains 200 pieces of our peat-free coircoins (in 4 distinct sizes) to get you sowing this season. Our distinct range of products are suitable for growing a variety of plants and crops, and for using both outdoors and indoors.