Every gardener will have their own traditions, habits, techniques, and tips, which is why hearing each gardener’s story can be so fascinating, as you can learn so many different things.
For newbies, gardening may seem a bit daunting, it does take time and care, there can be a lot of different products involved and different plants need different requirements. But that is exactly why at CoirProducts we love to share people’s gardening journey’s, because even though everybody has had their own individual experience, gardening is very much on a trial and error basis, which every gardener understands.
Today’s blog post is all about Adam, aka, @viewfromthepottingbench, who has a dedicated Instagram profile and podcast all about gardening, and creates beautiful hand drawn art designs for his Etsy shop. Talking about trial and error, Adam faced his own difficulties when starting out with gardening, but tells us how things began improving.
“My main struggle when I started was getting used to aspects and understanding our space. We’re lucky enough to have pretty good soil here in Birmingham but it doesn’t come without its issues. The first real success we had was with perennials, and that’s where my real garden love lies…that and spring bulbs!
As I’ve learned to know what works here and what doesn’t, the garden has improved and I’ve really understood not to fight against the natural balance of the plot. There’s no use trying to do something if it just won’t happen – use what you’ve got and make it work hard.

That said, I try to grow as much variety as I can but I do give myself a few main colours to try and stick to, namely purple and white, with the odd splash of orange or yellow for contrast. I’m all about hardy perennials but my real loves are salvias and tulips. I absolutely can’t resist a new salvia if I see one! I’m also an avid container gardener and I’ve used a lot of principles that Arthur Parkinson also uses, masses of pots for huge impact – he’s my absolute number one garden inspiration without a doubt”.
As with many gardeners, there was a figure in Adam’s life who helped him get into it.
“I’ve always gardened, to a certain extent, with my Nan when I was younger but only really began taking it seriously as an adult within the last 5-6 years or so and the garden bug has really bitten me!”
Adam has taken his love for gardening and has transformed it into many other amazing projects!
“My other real garden passions come in the form of podcasts and artwork, all things that go hand in hand together, in one way or another. I’ve currently got the one podcast ‘Tales From The Potting Bench’ which includes chats with some of my favourite Insta-gardeners (and the odd famous face) but there is another podcast coming very very soon! I’m also hugely into creating my own artwork in the form of pen and ink, with watercolour – aiming to recreate some of the real stalwart plants. I’ve also got a range of bookmarks and greetings cards, all on my Etsy store”.
More and more gardeners are beginning using natural products in their gardening, including coir-based products, which Adam has given his stamp of approval!
“I’ve been using coir based products for a while now, and I sow all my seeds in coir as seeds need almost zero nutrients to germinate, it’s only once they’re really starting to grow that they need something more. Coir gives those seedlings a wonderful matter in which to begin their growing life, I love it!”
Adam is a prime example of the many different directions that gardening can take you, which is so inspiring! However, if you’re still struggling a bit yourself, Adam has some advice to offer:
“My biggest tip is be patient, it all comes with time – get to know your own garden; what it loves, what grows well there, what your soil is like, research what you’d like to grow and just go for it, you can only but try. There will be stumbling blocks, even the most seasoned of gardeners will struggle – but be patient and it’ll all come right in the end”.
Thank you so much to Adam for taking part, we’ve linked his social media, podcast and Etsy store below so you can check it out for yourself.
Instagram: @viewfromthepottingbench
Podcast: https://plinkhq.com/i/1580534255?to=page
Etsy: www.etsy.com/uk/shop/ThePottingBenchShop
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