Gardening for wellbeing during men’s mental health week

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June 12-18, 2023 was Men’s Mental Health Week, and this year’s focus was on men’s health and the internet

In marking men’s mental health week, UK’s Men’s Health Forum, draws attention to internet addictions that specifically impact men, and has called on people, especially men and boys, to take a screen break. 

Often, men find it harder to ask for help. According to data on mental health and men, 12.5% of men in the UK are suffering from common mental health conditions, such as depression or anxiety, while men are also reported to be nearly three times more likely than women to become dependent on alcohol. The Men’s Health Forum also points out that “there is considerable debate about the true level of common mental health disorders in men, and whether larger numbers of men than women may be undiagnosed.”

A 2016 Office for National Statistics survey found that men reported significantly lower life satisfaction than women. A report commissioned by Mind in 2019, shows that while there have been some improvements in men feeling they are able to seek help for mental health conditions, there has also been an increase in the amount of men experiencing mental health problems. 

Amidst such concerns, the wider benefits of gardening and spending time in nature for one’s mental health has often been recognised. In research carried out for the 2019 report by Mind on men and mental health, 94% of people who took part in outdoor exercise activities, including gardening, said such activities have benefited their mental health. 

Gardening and spending time in nature gives us much more than exercise. It also helps reduce stress and anxiety, as well as mild depression. Caring for a plant and watching it grow from a seed to a plant, can also give us a sense of satisfaction and empowerment, while at the same time helping us improve our confidence. Gardening can also give us a sense of community. 

Having recently marked mental health awareness week, at, we continue to recognise these wider benefits of gardening for people’s physical and mental health and wellbeing. This is why we bring to you truly sustainable products that are easily accessible, and strive for ways to help you as much as we can on your gardening journey. We also continue to create spaces to share inspiring stories and experiences of gardening through our featured grower series. 

The internet has undoubtedly brought us enormous benefits – it has helped us connect with people and information like never before. With devices like iphones, we can easily carry our work in our pockets. Yet, spending too much time on these devices can be harmful to our mental health. Therefore, taking a break, and perhaps stepping outdoors to do some gardening, can do us wonders! 

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