Working alongside nature is such a privilege

Coir Featured Grower this week is @Grow_With_Joe, and we are indeed privileged to share his gardening story with this community. Since our inception, we at CoirProducts, have loved following Joe’s gardening adventures. A dedicated and inspiring grower, Joe often shares exciting and informative updates from his plot.  In this blog post, Joe tells us […]

No time like the present to start growing Featured Grower this week is Nicole (@nicoleatcherrygarden). In this blog post, Nicole talks to us about how she started gardening, her love for dahlias and other flowers, and some of the most valuable lessons she has learnt over the years. She also shared with us Let’s Grow, Girl’s podcast. She also reminds us that […]

Mark Lane: Think outside the box

CoirProducts Featured Grower this week is Mark Lane (@marklanetv), garden designer, TV and radio broadcaster, voiceover, actor, and writer. In this blog post, Mark shared with us how he became a garden designer, the difficulties he faced and how he overcame them, and what he loves to grow. He also tells us what it means […]

Letting nature back into the garden Featured Grower this week is Sarah @cotswoldpotager. In this blog post, Sarah shares with us how she got into gardening, what she loves to grow, some of the most valuable lessons she has learnt, and much more. She tells us how gardening has helped with her mental health, and reminds us to ‘let nature into […]

We all start off somewhere Featured Grower this week is Jo (@jos_leafy_nest). Jo loves growing and taking care of her indoor plants. In this blog post, she tells us about some of the most valuable lessons she has learnt when it comes to growing indoor plants, and what she loves the most about it. She also reminds us that […]

Growing flowers is a lifestyle featured grower this week is Ben Cross (@Alstroemeriaben). Ben is a 4th generation flower grower at Crosslands Flower Nursery, which is an independent family business situated in West Sussex near Arundel. In this blog post, Ben shares with us how he became a full time grower, having done marine biology for a while. Ben […]

We learn best from failures

CoirProducts Featured Grower this week, Derek Daly (@fiveminutegardener) has always enjoyed gardening. In this blog post, Derek tells us what he loves to grow and what he finds challenging. He says what he loves about gardening is the time he gets to spend with his son, who is fast becoming a little gardener. He also […]

It’s a way of life

CoirProducts Featured Grower this week, Chris (@glos_allotmenteer) started gardening about 16 years ago. In this blog post, Chris shares with us his gardening journey. He talks about the lessons he has learnt and his successes in the garden as well as what he finds the most challenging. Sharing a useful tip with other gardeners and […]

The allotment became my thinking space

For Emily Jarvis (@emandpaulsallotment), her biggest inspiration when it comes to gardening, is her dad who first instilled the love of gardening in her, and she now loves re-creating all her childhood memories of her time in the garden with her partner and children. In this blog post, Emily, CoirProducts Featured Grower this week, shares […]

A sense of pride

CoirProducts featured grower this week, Jo @joandcolovetogrow is no stranger to gardening. Having been growing from as long as she can remember, in this blog post, Jo talks about what she loves to grow, what she finds challenging, and some valuable lessons she has learnt through gardening. She reminds us to be patient when it […]