Take time to enjoy the garden

CoirProducts.co.uk Featured Grower this week is Richard (@plot_4_my_allotment). Richard started growing just the first lockdown, which he says, couldn’t have come at a better time. Having been involved with an accident some time prior to that and facing some of the toughest times of his life, the allotment gave him something new and somewhere to […]
A feeling of pride

Our featured grower this week is Jane (@cottagebythetarn). In this blog post, Jane spoke to us about how she started growing and what she loves to grow. She also shared with us what she does to be more sustainable in her garden, and reflected on the feeling of satisfaction and pride that gardening brings. Read […]
Little And Often Is Key To Gardening

CoirProducts.co.uk Grower of the Month this month is Natalie (@grunge_and_gardening). In this blog post, Natalie reflected on her early experiences spending time in the garden with her dad, talking about how she still uses the lessons and techniques she’s learnt from him. She also spoke to us about how gardening has helped her and what […]
Vegan-Certified Coir Products For All

At CoirProducts.co.uk, our horticultural products are vegan-certified. Our certification, from The Vegan Society, means that our products and process are completely free from animal ingredients and testing. Our products are made with a single, natural ingredient – the fibrous material extracted from the husk of the coconut. This means it is also free of other […]
Keeping Bees As A Hobby

To mark World Bee Day, which falls on May 20th, we’re sharing a wonderful blog post on bee-keeping and what growers and gardeners can do to help protect bees. This blog post is courtesy of Wild Heart Hill. Bees are some of the most fascinating creatures on the planet. Ancient beekeepers were thought to be the closest […]
Marking Mental Health Awareness Week 2023

This week is Mental Health Awareness Week, an initiative of the Mental Health Foundation, and this year, the focus is on anxiety. There are many factors that can lead to feelings of anxiety, and this is why it is important to tackle stigma around this topic, and continue to raise awareness about such feelings and how […]
How can gardening help reduce anxiety?

Next week, May 15-21, 2023 is Mental Health Awareness Week, an initiative of the Mental Health Foundation. With this year’s theme for mental health awareness week being anxiety, in our blog post today, we look at the wider benefits of gardening for our mental health. Did you know that anxiety is one of the most […]
Late spring gardening checklist

It’s already the fifth month of the year, and it’s perhaps time to take a look back at some of those gardening goals you made for 2023! But one thing we always hear from the gardening community is never to be disheartened by what you couldn’t achieve when it comes to growing! A lot of […]
Living the good life

We’re excited to announce the CoirProducts.co.uk Grower of the Month for May, Sarah (@sanderson_garden). As the grower of the month, Sarah shared with us her gardening journey. She fondly reflected on her early childhood years spent in the garden with her parents, and spoke about what gardening means to her. Having come to love gardening […]
Peat-free growbags for easy and versatile growing

Our versatile coir growbags are perfect for growing a variety of plants and crops. And if you are in a rush to sow those tomatoes this month, our coir growbags are just what you are looking for! Why use coir growbags? Our growbags contain coir, which is a natural, biodegradable, and peat-free resource. Coir has […]