Enjoy what you have achieved

Meet our Grower of the Month for June, Ceri (a_dirty_hoe_is_a_happy_hoe). In this blog post Ceri shares with us how she started growing 12 years ago, and later got her own allotment. She tells us what she loves to grow and what she finds the most rewarding about gardening. Read on to find out all about […]

What to do in your garden in June

It’s summer, and there is plenty to keep you busy in your gardens this season. Read on to find out what you can grow and do in your garden this June.  You can continue sowing salad crops like beetroot, lettuce, pak choi, and radishes, among others. Try to sow leafy salad crops in a place […]

Gardening with kids with CoirProducts.co.uk

May 28 – June 5 is National Children’s Gardening week.  Enjoy special discounts on our unique CoirProducts.co.uk kids’ bundles throughout the week. The benefits of encouraging children to spend time in the garden and getting them involved in gardening activities are indeed wide-ranging. Gardening helps children develop a range of skills, improve their mental and […]

Gardening is unpredictable, it keeps you on your toes

Our featured grower this week, Hannah, (@gingergrows1) has enjoyed spending time outdoors around plants and flowers since she was a child. In this blog post, Hannah shares with us her gardening journey. She talks to us about her gardening successes, what she loves to grow, and what she finds challenging. She also shares with us […]

Gardening activities for children

May 28 to June 5, 2022 is National Children’s Gardening Week. Enjoy special discounts on CoirProducts.co.uk kids’ bundles throughout the week.  With May half-term just around the corner, it’s not too late to start planning some fun gardening and outdoor activities to do with your children over the week. This year’s May half-term also falls […]

My quiet place in a noisy world

When it comes to gardening, our featured grower, Kelly (ohhomelygirl) finds inspiration from her own family who always had lovely gardens. In this blog post Kelly shares with us how she started gardening, what she loves to grow, her gardening successes and what she finds challenging. She also talks about her passion for natural health, […]

The perfect place to come and escape

CoirProducts.co.uk featured grower, Holly (@holly_and_her_allotment) loved spending time in nature and the outdoors from a young age. In this blog post, she recalls how she started her gardening journey, what she loves to grow, and what she finds the most challenging. An NHS worker, she also says how gardening is very much a mindful activity, […]

Thrive: inspiring positive change through gardening

Thrive uses gardening to bring about positive changes to the lives of people who are living with disabilities or ill health as well as to those who are isolated, disadvantaged or vulnerable. Thrive was established in 1979, as the Society for Horticultural Therapy, where it aimed to bridge the gap between the world of horticulture […]

Make it bespoke – make it your own!

Meet our Grower of the Month for April, Carol Bowen Ball (@fromplot2pot2plate). In this blog post, Carol shares with us her gardening journey, what she loves to grow, and much more. Sharing tips with other gardeners/growers, she says to grow what you like rather than what everyone else is nurturing, and to make your own […]